Početna / "tourroll" Rezultati 17-a
Brendovi: Prikaži više
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Rezultati pretraživanja
  • Jedan motor
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Nazivna snaga motora:
  • 150W-250W
  • 250W-350W
  • 250W
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Kapacitet baterije:
  • 10-20Ah
  • 20-30Ah
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  • Crna
  • bijela
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Maksimalni teret:
  • 100-120kg
  • 90-100kg
  • 120-150kg
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Veličina kotača:
  • 27.5 "
  • 26 "
  • 20 "
  • 29 "
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Vrsta savijanja:
  • Non-sklopivi
  • Folding
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Najveća brzina:
  • 25km / h
  • 25-35km / h
  • <25km / h
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Maks. Domet:
  • 90-120km
  • 60-90km
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Sustav kočenja:
  • Disk kočnica
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Vrsta bicikla:
  • Brdski bicikl (MTB)
  • Gradski bicikl
  • Trekking bicikl
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Položaj motora:
  • Motor glavčine
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Vrsta gume:
  • Guma za sve terene
  • Debela guma
  • Planinska guma
  • Cestovna guma
  • Gradska guma
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Vodootporna ocjena:
  • IPX4
  • IP54
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Broj baterija:
  • Jedna baterija
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